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2016-03-15 March
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
March 15, 2016
Kimball House

The meeting was opened at 7:07 PM present were, Tubby Boucher, Roger Rapoza and John Barrett, Ray Boyes and Pam Haman.
Guest: Al Birille

Minutes were approved with changes.
Bills approved and signed.
Correspondence: None
Eagle Scout Project; A discussion was held on various Eagle Scout Projects.  Roger mentioned a pergola as a possible project.  Scout Master from Pepperell was not sure if this was a good type of project due to the responsibility.
Post back of Common: This still remains a problem and looking for various ways to fix. Some type of plug or large planter.  Would need to be removable to allow vehicles to load/unload on the Common. As well as vehicle access for the department and emergency vehicles.
Gazebo Repairs:  Pulling ceiling down may present  problems with the insulation.  Repairs would need to be done without compromising the ceiling.
DLR Report:  Report did not answer many questions or concerns.  It does not appear that the report has supporting documentation/information for creating a DPW.  Many questions still left unanswered.
DPW Exploratory Meeting:  A joint meeting between departments will be held on 04/06/16 at the Kimball House getting input from the commissioners and department about the DLR report and DPW.
Adams Dam:  Tabled to a later meeting
Adjourned: 8:20
Next Meeting 4/11/16.

Pam Haman